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Weekly Spot Market Freight Volumes Hit Two-Year High

Truckload freight availability on TransCore’s DAT Network of load boards increased by 12 percent nationwide in the week ending March 5, showing the strongest load volume for a single week since TransCore began reporting weekly levels in January 2008.

According to TransCore Trendlines, a weekly barometer for spot market freight trends, load volumes increased for all equipment types in the week ending March 5, led by a 15 percent increase in freight designated for vans. Conversely, truckload freight capacity declined by 7 percent on the spot market, compared to the previous week, indicating a continued tightening of truckload capacity.

The load-to-truck ratio increased for both dry vans and refrigerated vans, by 22 percent and 23 percent respectively, compared to the previous week; the ratio for flatbeds increased by 15 percent.

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