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Texas Toll Road With 85-MPH Speed Limit Opens

10/24/2012 2:15:00 PM
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The road with the nation’s fastest speed limit — 85 mph — opens Wednesday, a 41-mile stretch of a new toll road in Texas, the Associated Press reported.

The Texas Transportation Commission approved the speed limit in August for the portion of State Highway 130 between Mustang Ridge south of Austin and Sequin, east of San Antonio.

American Trucking Associations urged Texas to reverse its decision allowing the high speed limit, citing safety concerns.

The toll road is intended to help alleviate the increasingly crowded Interstate 35 corridor between Austin and San Antonio. Tolls will not be collected until Nov. 11, AP reported.

Cars and personal trucks will pay $6.17 for the full stretch, while an 18-wheeler with a tag will pay more than $24, Houston television station KHOU reported on its website.


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