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Polk: First Quarter Used Commercial Vehicle Registrations Fall

Used Class 3-8 commercial vehicle registrations fell 26.7% from the same period last year, to 164,024 units, according to a recent Polk report.

“While used vehicle registrations remain strong, the long-awaited decline in used commercial vehicle registrations as seen in the past two quarters may indicate that a shortage of good, clean available units could finally be upon us,” says Gary Meteer, account director for commercial vehicle solutions at Polk.

During 2011, a record 791,288 used commercial vehicle registrations were reported, representing a 17.7% increase from the number reported during the year before. “With the first quarter complete, it is hard to believe that the total number of used registrations during 2012 will meet or beat the record levels seen in 2011,” Meteer says.

During the quarter, used commercial vehicles represented 55.9% of total commercial vehicle transactions in the market, compared to 70% during the first quarter of the 2011 calendar year. Together with 129,755 new registrations of Class 3-8 vehicles over the same time period, total commercial vehicle transactions during the first quarter of 2012 were down 10% from the same quarter last year.

Used registrations for each of the Class categories during the first quarter of the 2012 calendar year were lower than the levels achieved during the same quarter in the 2011 calendar year, ranging from a drop of 18.6% for Class 3 vehicles to a fall of 46.4% for Class 7 vehicles.

“One of the most frequently watched and analyzed activities in the commercial vehicle market is the number of used registrations for GVW 8 vehicles,” Meteer says. “The used registrations of GVW 8 vehicles were down 27.6% from the level achieved during the first quarter of the 2011 calendar year.”

Class 8 used vehicle registrations during the first quarter this year accounted for 39.8% of total used transactions compared to 38.6% last year and 47.6% and 41.2% respectively for the 2010 and 2009 calendar years.

“The Polk analysis does not indicate a lack of confidence in the used commercial truck market, but it does indicate that the continued growth experienced since the 2008 calendar year will in all likelihood not continue during the 2012 calendar year,” Meteer says.

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2/29/2012 – ATA Truck Tonnage Retreats 4% in January
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2/29/2012 – December Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico up 11.6% Year Over Year
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2/28/2012 – Used Truck Prices Up in January as Volumes Slip
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2/27/2012 – ACT Research: Trailer Orders Strong in January
January trailer net orders dropped from December to 26,000 units, but they were the strongest orders for the first month of the year since 2006, according to ACT Research.

2/22/2012 – 2011 New Truck Registrations up 23% from 2010
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2/21/2012 – TransCore’s January North American Freight Index Up 5%
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2/20/2012 – Vieth: Economy Improving, Driver Shortage Looming
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2/17/2012 – ACT Research Confident About Class 8 Demand
ACT Research Co. remains bullish on Class 8 in the medium to longer term, according to the February issue of the ACT North American Commercial Vehicle Outlook, published by ACT Research….

2/15/2012 – December Shippers Conditions Index Improves Month-Over-Month
FTR Associates‘ Shippers Conditions Index for December edged up roughly 1.5 points from November to a reading of -4.6, which still reflects a somewhat adverse environment for shippers….

2/14/2012 – TransCore Index Shows Strength in Freight Volume and Rates
TransCore‘s North American Freight index marked a record high for the month of January, up 5% compared to January 2011. Month-over-month, January’s spot market freight volume slipped 8% compared to December….

2/10/2012 – Cass Index: Linehaul Rates Highest since 2005
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January saw a slight decline in freight shipments compared to December, with freight expenditures essentially flat, according to January’s Cass Freight Index Report. …

2/6/2012 – January Commercial Vehicle Net Orders In Line with Expectations
North America medium and heavy-duty GVW Classes 5-7 and Class 8 commercial vehicle preliminary net orders for January were in line with expectations, reports ACT Research Co.

2/3/2012 – Fleet Sentiment Report Buying Index Rises 4+ Points from Previous Quarter

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2/3/2012 – FTR’s Trucking Conditions Index Continues Positive Trend
FTR‘s Trucking Conditions Index, as reported in the February 2012 Trucking Update, increased in December to a reading of 7.0….

2/1/2012 – Brace for a Slowdown in 2012
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2/1/2012 – November Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico up 12.7% Year-over-year
Trade using surface transportation between the U.S. and Canada and Mexico was 12.7% higher in November 2011 than in November 2010, totaling $76.7 billion, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics of the U.S. Department of Transportation….

1/30/2012 – Fourth Quarter Real GDP Increase Best Since 2Q 2010
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1/27/2012 – Trailer Industry Strong in 2011; Good Forecast for 2012
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1/27/2012 – December Used Truck Volumes Better than November, but Lag Year-over-Year
Reported volumes of used Classes 3-8 truck sales improved in December. Volumes were consistent among channels on a sequential basis….

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1/25/2012 – ATA Truck Tonnage Index Posts Largest Annual Gain in 13 Years
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1/23/2012 – December Class 8 Orders Second Best in Six Months
Class 8 orders for the month of December bounced back from November’s slump. Orders rose to 30,293 units, and, when seasonally adjusted, were the best since April, according to ACT Research….

1/23/2012 – Spot Freight Index Hits Third Year of Year-Over-Year Increases
TransCore’s North American Freight Index was up 11% in December compared to the same month in 2010. This is the third consecutive year of increases in same-month spot market freight volume, which has reached the highest level since 2005….

1/20/2012 – Cargo Theft Reaches Record High in 2011
Cargo theft rose nearly 9% last year compared to 2010, reaching a record high, according to FreightWatch International — but the average value per theft has fallen….

1/13/2012 – Forecast Predicts Hybrid, Electric Truck Sales Will Nearly Double in 2012
A forecast from Pike Research says that sales of hybrid and electric medium- and heavy-duty trucks will nearly double in 2012, but one industry expert thinks some of the numbers might be overly optimistic….

1/12/2012 – Ceridian-UCLA Trucking Index Points to Healthy First of 2012 for Trucking
The fuel-purchase-based Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index (PCI), rose 0.2% in December after a 0.1% increase in November and a 1.1% increase in October….

1/12/2012 – November Shippers Conditions Index Favors Truckers
FTR Associates’ Shippers Conditions Index for November dropped 2.5 points from the previous month to a reading of -6.1 reflecting the seasonal tightening of shipping capacity….

1/12/2012 – Freight Shipments Up 0.1% from October to November
From October to November, the amount of freight carried by the for-hire transportation industry rose 0.1% following a one month decrease, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics‘ (BTS) Freight Transportation Services Index (TSI)….

1/12/2012 – ACT: Class 8 Demand Remains Strong Despite Lackluster Economic Forecasts
ACT Research expects the pace of U.S. economic activity to operate at a rate of around 2% in 2012, according to the January issue of the ACT North American Commercial Vehicle OUTLOOK, published by ACT….

1/11/2012 – TCP: Carriers Resist Adding Capacity on Poor ROI
The Transport Capital Partners (TCP) 4th Quarter 2011 Business Expectations Survey finds 73 percent of responding carriers will not be adding any significant capacity until rates improve, providing a better return on their investment….

1/9/2012 – Cass Freight Index: Rate Increases Hold Despite Lack of Imminent Capacity Threat
Motor carriers and railroads were successful in passing along rate increases in 2011. For the most part, the rate hikes stuck, but carriers didn’t gain any ground, they just kept pace with increasing costs….

1/6/2012 – December’s Class 8 Orders Higher Than Expected
December saw a slight rise in the number of net orders for Class 8 trucks in North America….

1/5/2012 – Manufacturing Ends Year on a Strong Note
Manufacturing grew in December at its fastest pace in six months, showing growth for the 29th consecutive month, according to the Institute for Supply Management, …

1/4/2012 – FTR’s Trucking Conditions Index Ticks Upward
The environment for truckers remains modestly favorable with decent growth, capacity and pricing conditions as we enter 2012 — but a severe capacity shortage that could significantly affect rates is less likely, thanks to a delay in new driver regulations, according to transportation forecasting firm FTR….

1/3/2012 – California Gasoline Consumption Down 2.0% in Q3, Diesel Up 6.6%
In California, gasoline consumption decreased 2.0 percent in the third quarter and declined 2.1 percent in September. Diesel fuel consumption increased 6.6 percent in the third quarter and rose 7.0 percent in September compared to last year….

1/3/2012 – Trailer Industry Expects Strong Start to 2012
Commercial trailer net orders surged in November, with 28,393 trailers added to the order board….

12/29/2011 – Trailer Industry Expects Strong Start to 2012
Commercial trailer net orders surged in November, with 28,393 trailers added to the order board….

12/28/2011 – Used Truck Volumes Continue Slide in November
Reported volumes of used Classe 3-8 truck sales continued their slide into negative territory in November….

12/22/2011 – ATA Truck Tonnage Index Edged 0.3% Higher in November

Truck tonnage rose 0.3% in November after rising a revised 0.4% in October, according to the American Trucking Associations’ advance seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index….

12/21/2011 – Class 8 Demand Remains Favorable Despite Dip in November Orders
After rising to their third highest net order volume of the year in October, Class 8 orders fell below trend in November, falling to their second lowest volume in 2011….

12/16/2011 – TransCore’s Freight Index Up 36%
TransCore’s North American Freight Index climbed 36% last month compared to November 2010, making it the consecutive month with the highest same-month volume since 2005….

12/15/2011 – Pulse of Commerce Index Increased 0.1% in November
The Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index, issued on Tuesday by the UCLA Anderson School of Management and Ceridian Corporation rose 0.1% in November following a 1.1% increase in October….