The American Transportation Research Institute has produced a database of locations with the highest frequency of large truck rollovers using more than 50,000 crash records from a nine-year period (from 2001-2009). The database, part of a three-part research effort aimed at mitigating costly large truck rollovers, covers 31 states.
States with high rollover numbers included Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Missouri. Texas, which only had data available since 2005, had a total of 3,595 rollovers, 291 of which were fatal. Georgia had 4,581 during 9 years, and 184 were fatal. North Carolina reported 3,646 rollovers since 2001, 157 of which were fatal, and Pennsylvania had 5,362 rollover events, 180 of which were fatal.
The report also pinpoints the top 10 locations and roads for rollover events in each state.
“This research is not only important to the trucking industry, as it informs drivers of potentially dangerous locations, but it should also jumpstart the dialogue between industry and government to work together to improve safety at these sites,” says Steve Niswander, vice president of safety policy and regulatory relations for Groendyke Transport.
A total of 31 states contributed more than 48,000 non-fatal large truck rollover records. Although 39 states initially participated, data from eight states was not integrated into the database due to either lack of required data elements or conformity issues. One state formally declined participation in the data request, citing legal concerns. The remaining 10 states did not respond to requests for participation by the time of publication. Data from 2001-2009 was requested, but not every participating state was able to provide data for all nine years.
To see the full report, state-specific summary reports and an online interactive map, go to
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