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FMCSA Improves Safety, Cuts Red Tape, Protects Driver Privacy with Pre-Employment Screening Program

U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of Public Affairs
1200 New Jersey Ave., S.E.
Washington, DC 20590

DOT 111-12
Friday, October 5, 2012
Contact: Matthew Chambers
Tel.: (202) 366-9999

FMCSA Improves Safety, Cuts Red Tape, Protects Driver Privacy with Pre-Employment Screening Program

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has introduced an expanded version of its Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP), making it easier for more motor carrier companies, with the driver’s consent, to access PSP records. A PSP record includes three years of crash history and five years of roadside inspection history for a commercial driver.PSP is now available to eligible intrastate motor carriers and companies directly involved in the pre-employment screening and hiring of commercial drivers. The program expansion means important driver safety data is now more easily available to companies that are responsible for hiring the driversthat get behind the wheel of many large trucks and buses. FMCSA has also launched an iPhone application for PSP. Account holders can now securely access a PSP dashboard on an iPhone or iPad, and easily review a PSP record in a mobile-friendly format. The application is available for free download by searching ‘DOT PSP’ in the Apple iTunes store. For details on the Pre-Employment Screening Program visit Contact Matthew Chambers: (202) 366-9999.


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